
Are we spoiled for choice?
September 2019
I recently, for the first time, ventured into “Shakeaway”.
It’s a great concept for milkshakes! But more time was spent understanding the menu and selecting what size, base, flavour, combinations, toppings... to have, than consuming the thing! I could quite happily have walked away with a vanilla smoothie!
Does anyone still remember four TV channels? Or even less?!? Now it’s not only the channels but the online media providers (Endless choice on Netflix and infinite videos on YouTube!) So, we spend more time flicking through and watching “bits of recordings”, because we cannot stick to one thing; getting easily distracted to move onto the next.
Was it easier when life was more “vanilla”?
Indeed, I would still argue the best flavour ice-cream is VANILLA! But we strive for variety.
Everyone’s looking for distinction and to offer more... because that’s what everyone wants, right?!? NO, not always!
Do we spend enough time finding out what clients WANT; and not trying to sell them what we think they might need? Hit the sweet spots (ideally with a vanilla shake 😉), simplistically, and get to the point quicker.
Keep clients focused and keep YOURSELF focused.
Of course be ready to go further and add value to achieve goals; BUT never forget “Less is very often More”.