
You never know until you try...
August 2022
So, I’ve just returned from 12 exhausting (but fun!) days around Disney and Universal parks in Orlando, Florida.
Prior to this, I’d never been on a rollercoaster that flipped, looped (whatever the expression is…), turned upside down! The thought had always scared me to death.
Why? Because I don’t quite understand the physics of it and the car must surely fall off the track… because I might actually fall out despite the security bars… because my neck might snap in the sudden 360 degree motion… because going upside down is unnatural and might give me a heart attack… Yes, I know; all completely rational arguments.
But, it suddenly occurred to me that nothing could really happen. Well, my hair might get messed up a bit… And so; I did something I rarely do: stopped thinking about it, stopped analysing the pros and cons one hundred times, and just WENT FOR IT!
I started with the Aerosmith-themed Rock ‘n’ Roller coaster at Disney’s Hollywood studios, progressed the next day to the Rip Ride Rockit at Universal Studios and then, for the big one, I took on the Incredible Hulk coaster at Islands of Adventure. This races up to 67mph and features “a zero-G roll, a cobra roll, two vertical loops, and two corkscrews” (whatever all that means, but sounds scary enough, right?!) AND I did it in the evening, lit up amid the darkness.
Yet… it was amazing! I kept my eyes open the whole time and felt exhilarated going upside down and seeing the park illuminated from a great height and from various angles (predominantly “upside down”!) I also felt quite emotional, conquering the Hulk, as if I had conquered a phobia; now a much stronger person (without turning green of course!)
I was then actually excited to take on the (arguably scarier and slightly faster) Jurassic World VelociCoaster (with “two high-speed launches powered by linear synchronous motors, a signature 155-foot-tall top hat, four inversions, and a maximum speed of 70 mph”; still meaning very little to me other than it must be worse, OR “better”, as my perception had started to change/metamorphosize since my Hulk experience). The ride was indeed immense fun and also resulted in a great feeling of fulfilment.
Message? You regret much more what you don’t do; than what you DO do! Stretch yourself and go outside your comfort zone.
And (relating this directly to our business with no subtlety whatsoever): if you’re a CPA/Accountancy firm and considering expanding your horizons - Join Russell Bedford International! It will bring you, your firm and your people huge benefits. It will make you stronger.
AND; you might actually enjoy it. Most people do!