
Game, Set and Match
May 2024
Life is not just one game; it’s a series of sets which are part of an entire match.
Russell Bedford International has had forty years of helping businesses through a network of connections, established trust and relationships. From humble beginnings at ‘love all’, to ‘forty love’, and now taking the advantage.
Why the tennis references?
Well… last week Russell Bedford Fiduciaire Genève SA was the main sponsor of the ATP Geneva Tennis Open 2024.
It might not be the biggest and most prestigious tournament in the tennis world, but it’s well-respected and occupies idyllic grounds looking out towards the beautiful Lake Geneva. This year, however, a last minute entry by number one seed, Novak Djokovic added something particularly magical to the event and certainly excited the crowds.
As the network’s global CEO, I was as much proud as I was extremely grateful to be invited to witness such a wonderful spectacle of the game of tennis by such talented players.
Britain’s Andy Murray was also present and, although he didn’t fare well, it was an honour to see our brand promoted so heavily around the court while he played.
Lots of lessons can be learnt from tennis. Less obvious are the mental demands over the physical game; but yet so much is determined by the psychological elements of focus, resilience, handling pressure, emotional control, strategic thinking, mindfulness, cognitive behaviour and determination.
This is how the underdog can often be triumphant and how players come back from losing several games (and even a 0-6 set) to eventually winning the match.
This can be related to business and all aspects of life. I’ve always believed that personality traits can be far more important than technical skills.
We witnessed a lot of the above in the matches at the tournament last week.
Thank you to our fabulous colleagues in Geneva, for fantastic hospitality and generosity throughout.
It was truly ACE!