
“You’re a firework”
October 2017
Life takes you to many places; some dark, some amazingly bright. When I left my previous organisations, I was concerned as to how long it would take to build relationships with a whole new group of individuals from so many countries around the world.
I can tell you - it doesn’t take long. You should never be afraid of change, or to fear walking into the unknown; you should embrace new challenges & be encouraged to step away from comfort and regularity.
This year’s conference in Rome was one of the best I’ve experienced in several years of international meetings. Why? Because (like the spectacular fireworks at the gala dinner finale), I feel I’ve risen and landed. My first global event in a new chapter of life ignited discussions on important hot topics in the profession, with great energy and passion, and sparked networking that, although it’s been 6 months, made me feel like I’ve known everyone for many years!
With record numbers of attendees, it reaffirmed my belief that our organisation contains enthusiastic, dedicated and quality members who, as well as being able to have a lot of fun, actually want to do business together, learn from one another, and are constantly looking to create new business opportunities by using the network.
In an age of increased talk about Artificial Intelligence and digitalisation, the ‘people element’ of our profession is very much alive! Building relations, interacting and getting to know one another continues to be extremely vital.
The future of the network has never been more exciting. We are growing. Our horizons are expanding. The challenge of continued success lies ahead of us and we are more determined and better equipped than ever.
Bright times...getting Brighter...& Brilliant times to come!