
Try it and see for yourself...
November 2018
News reports can sow seeds of negative perception on events, issues, places; resulting in a belief often created solely by the media.
Like much of the Middle East, Beirut is seen as marred by a troubled past; a history of political violence and attacks due to territorial motivation and religious conflicts.
But is this all there is?!
We rarely hear about the hidden beauty; the tranquillity, humanity and positive ambition of the people. I experienced the culture and met with the Russell Bedford team at one of the most modern and stylish offices I’ve visited. The hospitality received, and respect with which I was treated, was overwhelmingly.
What did I learn?
A beautiful place, with people who want to succeed. A culture that works hard but also tries to enjoy life, putting behind past troubles, dedicated to being the best they can against continued uncertainty and ongoing challenges. Clubs, bars and restaurants are filled with energy and passion 'til the early hours.
A modern outlook that cares and advises clients with an authentic attitude; values of our great network!
They say travel broadens the mind and they say there is no substitute for face-to-face meetings.
‘They’ are right! Those who prejudge due to what they’ve heard or been told, can never be right!