
Technology vs People
July 2017
Today I met in Hanoi at the Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA). The Secretary General shared his ambitions for enhancing the reputation & quality of the profession in Vietnam & his desire to move from 'associate member' to full member of IFAC, whilst listening to information on Russell Bedford International; our members, our purpose and objectives.
It was refreshing to hear the fantastic reputation of Russell Bedford in Vietnam (with offices in both Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City) & how it acted alongside the Big 4 accounting firms in working with VACPA on CPD training & development of audit procedures manual, plus QC reviews.
With so much debate on automation & technology taking over the world, my Asian trip has made me realise even more how powerful PEOPLE are; their passion & ambitions to better themselves, their practices & their countries, to rise up to the challenge of competition with the rest of the world.
Who needs technology?!?... although I must admit, having been left fuming after losing connection to everything on my iPhone for most of today, & then using FaceTime between two iPads (one in Hanoi & one in Farnham), speaking to Vodafone via a UK secondary device, to sort it all out, I feel a slight hypocrite in saying so!