
Rock stars & accounting networks?
September 2017
I was watching a documentary on Dave Grohl (often referred to as the "nicest guy in Rock"). Dave was in several bands until he struck gold, landing the job in Nirvana. Most people will know what then happened... and what does the drummer of a 3-piece band do when its iconic lead frontman is no more? Obvious answer: fade into obscurity. But no; he recreated himself as the frontman of his own band and became one of the most successful rock stars of his generation; appealing to a new younger audience as well as his older Nirvana following, while maintaining his "nicest guy in Rock" status.
What has this got to do with being in an accounting network? Well, it's all about perseverance, commitment, flexibility to adapt to a forever changing environment and profession, appealing to all generations, making contacts and building a reliable and trusted image.
I return from yet another highly successful Russell Bedford meeting; hosted in the fabulous city of Barcelona for our Spanish members. Delegates included some new faces, from recently recruited firms; who I know will succeed as they have the right attitude, will build their profiles and will help enhance Russell Bedford.... where you will find some of the "nicest people in accounting networks".