
Fantastic period of growth for the network continues...
January 2019
In 2018...
… we recruited several new members; some covering jurisdictions previously unrepresented, while others were recruited to enhance already established national groups.
This was evidenced to have created more commerce for our firms (35% increases in referrals), and more engagement (record numbers of attendees at meetings), enabling our members to service and support international clients even more, taking advantage of the greater coverage around the globe with increased numbers of specialists and business experts.
We ended 2018 with the announcement of a new member in Chicago, USA, having kick-started our strategic initiative to enhance our North American region. I wrote an article on LinkedIn making no apology for over-using the word “fantastic” throughout the year; since it was indeed a FANTASTIC year!
I said 2019 would be an EVEN BETTER year but it would be hard to beat the previous one.
Well... we are off to a GREAT START.
We have started the year with another incredible wave of new member recruitment!
We added one new firm in EACH of the THREE working days of the FIRST WEEK of 2019!!!
With Uruguay in South America, Jordan in the Middle East and then Albania in Southeast Europe, we welcomed a diverse group of 3 new firms from all around the globe; adding important resources to our quality network of accountants, auditors, tax advisors and business consultants.
Truth of the matter is globalisation has made so many firms need to be connected and belong to an international network, so they can help their existing client base with their international expansion plans AND can target new global clients, knowing they have access to tried and trusted experts all around the world.
BUT, why are SO MANY FIRMS joining Russell Bedford?
Well, there's a myriad of reasons; but right now I can tell you the network is (to quote one of our current members) "electric", we are "on fire", with an injection of youthful energy, long-standing experience and expertise, impressive ambition and unified goals, based on a culture and ethos of high morals, top quality and essential people values.
The festive season interrupted our finalisation of the recruitment process, meaning new memberships were completed in the first week of 2019.
And it didn't stop there.
On the second day of the second week of the New Year, we announced a FOURTH new member, enhancing our presence in the Netherlands.
Could we have BEGUN the new year any better?!?
Well, I'm a perfectionist. So yes, in theory, I am sure we could. But, realistically, I very much doubt it.
A (very close to) PERFECT start to an exciting New Year... and with lots more to come!