
Best Practices on Data Management
5 October 2021
Webinar: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM BST
Best Practices on Data Management (GDPR Procedures and Quality Management)
12pm to 1pm BST- Andy Larkum
391 – That’s the number of enforcement actions carried out under the GDPR as of the beginning of September 2020, (although only 3 of those were issued by the ICO).
Perhaps the ICO are slow starters; perhaps they’ll never get going. One thing we can be sure of is that being the right side of legal is a sensible choice!
In this session we will discuss best practice with respect to data management to support your efforts with GDPR compliance.
Key Topics
This webinar will cover:
- A brief revisit to the foundations of the GDPR
- What the summer 2020 SchremsII ruling might mean for your business
- What you should consider when changing your processing activities (e.g. introducing new services, or changing existing systems)
- How to evidence your efforts
Who Should Attend
Aimed at the individuals within a firm tasked with compliance and/or data protection, this will be a fast moving rebase on what you should know, what you need to be aware of, and what you should be doing next.
For more information visit the members only intranet here.