
Like giraffes, together we reach for the sky...

March 2018

Since launching our YouTube channel ‘RBI Live’, our new corporate video received over 1,000 views in the first few weeks... We followed 12% growth in 2017 with an enhanced and reenergised website for 2018. Feedback comments have included words such as “Wow...Fresh, vibrant, relevant, modern, remarkable... fantastic, brilliant, excellent... innovative, avant-garde, extraordinary...” (and those were just mine ;-)

We’ve created new initiatives, more publications, webinars, meetings, and there are client projects taking place involving members from all over the world.

It is with immense pleasure to announce the recruitment of a Top 10 firm in the important African nation of Kenya.

We continue to expand rapidly, with quality firms throughout all regions; we are reenergised, refreshed and together we can reach for the sky!

Russell Bedford... taking you further

Author: Stephen Hamlet

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